• Guilt Complex: The Ultimate Guide (With 5+ Ways to Cope)

    Guilt Complex: The Ultimate Guide (With 5+ Ways to Cope)

    It’s all your fault.  It’s all your fault. It’s all your fault. At least, that’s what you think when you have a guilt complex.  Your spouse is staying late at the office every night. Your fault — they obviously don’t want to spend time with your and the kids. Speaking of kids, one’s failing math, […]

  • How to Prioritize Your Life: Paired Comparison Without Fussy Tables

    How to Prioritize Your Life: Paired Comparison Without Fussy Tables

    The Paired Comparison Method They Want You to Use Any Google search on how to do a paired comparison is going to give you a shit ton of articles telling you how to set up a table so you can prioritize your to-do list. I’m here to tell you, you don’t need a table. You […]

  • Using music to help you get through hard times

    Using music to help you get through hard times

    “Music has charms to soothe a savage breast.” It was true in William Cosgrove’s 1697 play, The Mourning Bride, and it’s true today. Listening to music can be a balm to soothe your soul. It can elicit joy, breed sorrow, and create serenity, all in the same piece. It’s a universal language; every culture has […]

  • Getting and staying organized to spark joy

    Getting and staying organized to spark joy

    “Every action is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” — James Clear Imagine this: you just got a ticket on your way home from work for having expired tags on your car. You could have sworn you put them in your glove box so you could put them on when […]

  • 5 easy ways to practice mindfulness every day

    5 easy ways to practice mindfulness every day

      If you’ve been online for more than about five minutes, you’ve probably seen someone talking about mindfulness, and how you should practice it daily. But exactly what is mindfulness and how do you actually do it?  What is mindfulness? According to the Oxford Dictionary, mindfulness is: the quality or state of being conscious or […]

  • Planning to become a goalmaster

    Planning to become a goalmaster

      Setting goals is all well and good, but without plans and systems in place to achieve them, they’re just wishes and dreams. Planning to achieve goals is vital for anyone who wants to be a true goalmaster. Two people can set the exact same goals, and one may succeed where the other fails. The […]

  • How to get through hard times

    How to get through hard times

    You’ve probably heard the old saying, “tough times don’t last; tough people do.” If you’re anything like me, you probably want to slap the shit out of anyone who says it to you when you’re going through a tough time. Since I prefer to stay out of prison, here are some things I do instead […]

  • The (not so) secrets of great time management

    The (not so) secrets of great time management

    Time management is the process of using your time wisely and productively, where you plan and control how much time you spend on any given task. Good time management lets you get more done in a shorter period of time. This can lead to lower stress, higher productivity, an increased ability to achieve your goals, […]

  • My five notebook journal system to improve mindfulness

    My five notebook journal system to improve mindfulness

    Journaling is all the rage these days. This powerful mindfulness practice has grown in popularity by leaps and bounds. The most common form of journaling is simply writing down your thoughts, ideas, and opinions about what’s going on in your life. Bullet journaling is popular for people far more artistic than I am — which […]

  • Five systems for goal setting

    Five systems for goal setting

    You’re probably familiar with the ubiquitous SMART system of goal setting. But sometimes SMART goals aren’t that smart. You might do better with HARD, PACT, or CLEAR goals. Or you might just want to use the GBB model for your goals. Now that I’ve acronymed you half to death, let’s get into what all this […]

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